When update an idea in order to move to TO qualified phase the name of the PPEDD disappears. Even if I save the demand first.
Hi Diana,
Thanks for the quick catch up. PFB our findings as per the discussion.
Pre-condition: The intake is in PPEDD Qualified State
Problem statement: When an OTO updates fields, the PPEDD name is getting disappeared and asks for the PPEDD name as a validation message.
Expected: The PPEDD field should not get disappeared since the intake is already PPEDD Qualified.
Hi Diana,
Thanks for the quick catch up. PFB our findings as per the discussion.
Pre-condition: The intake is in PPEDD Qualified State
Problem statement: When an OTO updates fields, the PPEDD name is getting disappeared and asks for the PPEDD name as a validation message.
Expected: The PPEDD field should not get disappeared since the intake is already PPEDD Qualified.