Please add the below email address to the distribution list of the Master Report.
SR will be raised by SPR team for above item.
Additional Requirement
Add start and fiscal period in master report.
Show the number of days for which product is in one particular stage. In order to do that, below date fields will be visible in the master report. Afterwards, SPR dashboard will perform calculation to get the duration.
Date when SPR is submitted as Draft
Date when SPR is moved to Submitted state
Date when SPR is moved to Screening State
Date when SPR is moved to Qualified state
Date when SPR is moved to Approved State
Date when SPR is moved to Completed State
US 941019 has been implemented in Sprint 5.
As per the discussion, an SR request needs to be created to add or remove users from group. Email has been sent to Khizar for the same.
Additional requirement is recorded in the description section.