As FSO Demand Lead, I need to see all Intake Requests for FSO "Portfolio-Function/Domain," including requests that go directly to RTH, but I do not. The field is only available in the SNOW Demand views. Please add the field to the "All Intake" SNOW view so I can filter on FSO and see all requests across every team. We review FSO requests with RTH teams each week, but the visibility is only there for Demand, not for Intake. Thanks.
Hi Sonia, this change was not in the 11 October release. Do you know when the change will go in? Thanks.
Please at the same time can we also add other fields in All Intake view?
Like Area, region, country, SSL etc.?
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@Sonia & Kelly,
Shouldn't we add all the other basic fields as well to Intakes? Like Area, Region, Country, Funding Source etc.? I feel these fields should be available by default for Portfolio's to build required reporting; Request will get deployed in Sprint 6 release which is planned for Oct 9th.
Approved from WG.