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CT Demand Management Application ( DMA) Ideas Portal
Status Planned
Categories Enhancement
Created by Sandeep Kumar
Created on Sep 15, 2021

Sub-steps within Awaiting Approval stage (955000)

This might be possible to cover in the "Group Approvals" solution we are designing but I want to list this out here as these are not actuals approvals.

- A task (or something similar) for OTO to update the cost plan with estimate [SB]: Demand owner should be able to create a manual task as and when required. Please use task OOB tab/feature. [SK]: Yes but as this needs to be done for every demand, it make sense to just auto-create this task.

[SB] Currently CT DMA is going through a POC design to optimize the workflow of a demand lifecycle. We believe this ask will be resolved via the POC. We would request you to use the manual task for time being. Once POC is live let's see how it helps this case.

- A task (or something similar) for PdM to review the demand before the Group approvals are initiated. [SB]: When demands moves to Awaiting approval stage a notification is sent to the PdM to work on the demand. PdM is the demand owner at the awaiting approval stage. In other words, he/she is the workflow owner at that point. Hence, no task is required. - [SK] - Ok but the demand should be reviewed by the PdM only once the above task by OTO is closed.

[SB] There are two ways to create tasks for this scenario:

  1. Option 1: CT DMA

  2. TSM would create the task for OTO once the solution plan is ready when the demand is on the Estimation Stage. Afterwards, send to PdM once task is closed.

  3. Option 2: CT DMA PdM would create the task for OTO at awaiting approval stage and once the task is completed PdM would initiate the group approval process manually.

- A way for first approver to send the ticket back to PdM in case of any questions/fixes. [SB]: This will be solved automatically by group approval process. Additionally, Demand owner is always the PdM. As and when, a member from the group approve or reject the demand owner/Pdm will receive notification. - [SK]: Ok great. Thank you.

- When all the approvals are received, a task (or something similar) for OTO to create PPM IDs & Engagement Code request before a demand is closed. [SB]: We are planning to integrate with PPM and ECM for initiating request of PPM and engagement code from CT DMA. We will let you know as and when it is available. - [SK]: This is great. But what do we do in the meantime? Do we have a timeline for integrating DMA with PPM & ECM?

[SB]: It might be implemented next year. We will let you know.

This is needed for our reporting to ensure we can distinguish the clear owner of the demand and where it's sitting in the process.

  • Attach files
  • Diana De Blieck
    Nov 2, 2021

    I am a bit confused about the solutioning of this request. If I am not mistaken we discussed to have an additional demand stage in place to cover the pre-project administrative tasks. The awaiting approval stage would then solely cover the approval. Reporting is happening on demand stage, not on task level

  • Sonia Nabors
    Oct 11, 2021

    @Shubhra - Please create the user stories for 4th item and share with me the stories for 1st and 2nd item.

  • Shubhra Bar
    Sep 27, 2021

    Hi Sandeep,

    Please see the inline comments.

    • 1st and 2nd items are getting designed in the POC design of demand workflow. Until then please follow as suggested.

    • 3rd item is handled as part of the group approval solution.

    • 4th item might get implemented part of next year.

  • Sandeep Kumar
    Sep 21, 2021

    Thank you Shubhra. I have made inline comments in green highlight.

  • Shubhra Bar
    Sep 21, 2021

    Hi Sandeep,

    Please see the yellow highlighted comments in the description.