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CT Demand Management Application ( DMA) Ideas Portal


Showing 79 of 106

Add new section as dropdown "Business Requirements Maturity" in SPR section.

Dropdown options should have: Clear Requirements, Unclear Requirements & Scope and Partially clear requirements. This is should be mandatory field in the Approved Stage.
Khizar Shariff over 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Will not implement

Addition of SA portfolio Lead in the sign off section.

It should be a drop down option like we have in the sign off section, with options of Yes, No and None.
Khizar Shariff over 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Will not implement

Ability to add worknotes to tickets outside of your group once in TO Qualified Stage.

Sometimes we work on tickets that have been passed on - useful to be able to record notes on other tickets. Example CT products passed to CBS-CT stack.
Phil Sproston over 3 years ago in Enhancement 4 Already exists

Track tickets that have been forwarded to other teams

If a ticket assigned to RTH is passed on, it would be useful to have a report to understand progress of that ticket with criteria perhaps if no action taken in X days the original requester is notified. Whilst not responsibility of the RTH (if pas...
Phil Sproston over 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Already exists

Additional field columns to the Dashboard report

Enhancement – Requester Diana de Blieck Vos In the CT Demand Dashboard - ServiceNow Service Management Suite ( User clicks Demands Tab User filters by Create date = Last Month & Region = WeM Under Demands by month , value shoul...
Shubhra Bar over 3 years ago in Enhancement 1 Already exists

When demand is returned to any stage an email should be triggered

When demand is return to any stage an email should be trigger. Ex. PdM during Awaiting Approval stage returns the request to TSM. The TSM should be notified.
Shubhra Bar over 3 years ago in Enhancement 3 Already exists

Make "Requirement Details" field Rich Text field to add hyperlinks and format texts

We (EMEIA & APAC Tax) use Requirement Details tab for adding hyperlinks to other documents or format text for better readability. So we want Requirement Detail field to be made Rich Text Format
Sandeep Kumar almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 1

Need DA Approval: Manager and below need access for Intakes for Tax Only

In EMEIA Tax there are few delegates from Regional leadership to handle all the Tax Technology demands intakes. These delegates are at a lower rank than manager and need access to submit technology demands on behalf of users in their regions.
Sandeep Kumar over 3 years ago in Enhancement 2 Will not implement

[Copy] Additional field columns to the Dashboard report

Enhancement – Requester Diana de Blieck Vos In the CT Demand Dashboard - ServiceNow Service Management Suite ( User clicks Demands Tab User filters by Create date = Last Month & Region = WeM Under Demands by month , val...
Shubhra Bar over 3 years ago in Enhancement 1 Will not implement