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CT Demand Management Application ( DMA) Ideas Portal
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Created on Jan 31, 2022

CT DMA: Stage Durations are not getting calculated or updated properly

1) When a demand moves from RG Phase 1 to Awaiting Approval Stage the Awaiting Approval Duration is not getting calculated.

2) Demands are in awaiting approval stage for days but the duration is not getting updated. For example, DMND0009566 was moved Awaiting Approval Stage on 30th December but the duration is mentioned as 6 days 5 minutes for days. What is the frequency of updating any active duration of the scheduled job?

3) There are demands that are in a current stage (moved from the earlier stage) but the Current stage's duration is not getting calculated/updated or staying as 0/empty for a long time.

Please check why is that? What is the frequency of updating any active duration of the scheduled job?

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  • Shubhra Bar
    Mar 7, 2022

    Hi Riza,

    1. The first issue mentioned in CTDMA-I-141 has been implemented through our development cycle. It is live on prod from 28th Feb.

    2. SR25921904 – 2nd and 3rd issues have been resolved on 2nd Feb.


    • The fixes will work on the new intakes/demands.

    • All these fixes will not work on the existing demands. However, when demand is moved to the next stage or closed, the durations will get updated.

    Thank you.

  • Shubhra Bar
    Feb 2, 2022

    Hi Riza,

    A user story/enhancement has been submitted for implementaion in the current sprint for the first item.

    SR25921904 has been raised for the 2nd item as explained in the last comment.

    Once these fixes are available the durations will get updated properly for the new intakes and demands.

    Best Regards,


  • Shubhra Bar
    Jan 31, 2022

    Hi Riza,

    As we know, an incident INC16420018 was raised for this. PFB the feedback received from the incident:

    1. The first item is an enhancement. Since we have recently introduced the demand forwarding from RG P1 to Awaiting approval stage the duration bit was not implemented. We will create a user story and submit it as an enhancement.

    2. Currently, each duration gets calculated and updated every day via a scheduled job. However, the timer of this scheduled job gets stopped after 66 days from the creation of the demand. We can do either one from below:

      1. We can raise an SR to increase the timer.

      2. Otherwise, create an enhancement user story to stop the timer only when the demand gets closed or rejected.

    We will keep you posted. Let us know your feedback.