Include the attachments from the DMN when send to "Approval Requested" while "Awaiting Approval"
At the moment when we send the DMN for client evaluation, during the "Awaiting Approval", by sending a "Approval Requested" to the approvers, it would be better if the attachments (or maybe the DMN Link) from the DMN be together with the e-mail.
ETC is a virtual region in EMEIA and we get requests (around 5-10) in a year which are funded by this region. We need a separate flag in the DMA intake form (Portfolio/Domain seems to be the most relevant place) to flag if a project belongs to ETC...
Sandeep Kumar
over 3 years ago
in Enhancement
Full List of Closure Code is not displayed when user clicks Complete button
Pre-requisite: Demand Type = ROM Demand is in Awaiting Approval Stage Issue: If user hits the complete button during the awaiting approval stage, the system reloads with only 1 value for the Closure Code = 110 - Completed - Approved Delivery. The ...
from:"" ( UK & ZI) Can the dashboard load the Total Demand Intake tab 1st? If not, please add a link to the PBI port on the site .
Candace Colon
over 3 years ago
in Enhancement
CT DMA: Stage Durations are not getting calculated or updated properly
1) When a demand moves from RG Phase 1 to Awaiting Approval Stage the Awaiting Approval Duration is not getting calculated.
2) Demands are in awaiting approval stage for days but the duration is not getting updated. For example, DMND0009566 was ...
Add Original, Current & BC fields in the list of available columns for Demands & Ideas
There are few automated cost plan line items gets added when a Tax request moves to "Estimation" stage (Original, Current & BC fields). These fields are not available for us to pick when we personalize columns in an Idea or in a Demand list vi...
Sandeep Kumar
over 3 years ago
in Enhancement